
How to Spread Christmas Joy and Love While Social Distancing

Christmas lights candy canes and gift

This year, 2020, represents a time for holidays to be celebrated in ways many of us are unaccustomed. During a time when many people still consider themselves “high risk,” not wanting to mix socially, sharing holiday cheer can become a bit of a challenge. So, if we are unable to meet in normal size gatherings of people, as we have in previous years, what are some methods that we can use to safely stay in touch?

Hope for All

Manger scene

This month I felt prompted to read the book of Luke in the New Testament, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas. It is interesting to note that the book of Luke contains 24 chapters. I issued a challenge to our Bible study to read one chapter of Luke each day, and we will complete the book of Luke by December 24th, Christmas Eve. During that time, our reading will cover the foretelling of Christ's birth, His life and ministry, all the way to His death and resurrection.